
Hey Realest:



Goodbye forever I’m letting this website expire. (It was a beautiful journey but it’s time to let it go!)



12/30/22- Have a grateful heart, no matter where you are, or what you’re doing. Circumstances may be harder but as long as you hold onto God, He will get you through it, stronger. Holding on to the Lord, with a grateful heart, a goal oriented, positive mindset, opens the possibilities for anything you want in life!


10/27/22: Take time off, and let go of anything or anyone hurting your spirit (even if it’s temporary). We all hurt or fall short in different areas of our lives, it’s best to take time with God and away from anything causing unnecessary pain.  Your more valuable than they will let you know,  keep praying, and watch yourself grow with God. He always gives a beautiful gift when you make a sacrifice for Him. 



07/06/22- Be compassionate, this is a transitional season for many. Time is precious, so stay focused and treat others kindly.


04/16/22- Never take the peace that God gave you for granted. Each person, each moment, each place, try to see it All through Gods loving eyes. Our borrowed time is too short to dwell in sadness or hate. In Gods time, you will see new growth, joy, healing, and love. April belongs to the Lord! Happy Holy week!


01/06/22- HAPPY NEW YEARS! It’s a new season, let go of the past mistakes, start your new journey focusing on your beautiful dreams. Stop magnifying diabolic energy and negative thoughts. It’s time to change your perspective, grow your spirit and strengthen your mind. God didn’t make us to be superficial, and hate one another. He made us to bring Him glory and to love one another in our own unique way. 



10/5/21: Pray for Gods best. The more adversity we are faced with, the more we are receiving rewards, all depending on our reactions. We will get exactly what we put into the universe and more, so always try to be loving, caring, and kind.


04/26/21: Repent and really see people for who they are, because we are ALL purposeful and God is intentional. Truthfully, nothing in life but God is going to last forever so don’t overly judge others, instead pray for each other always. 


03/18/21: Take time out to Reprogram your mind, receive a spark from God, allow Him to brighten up your spirit.  Rejuvenation in your creative design will grow once you let go of control. 



Respect each other and Love one another as He tells us too. Spiritual Alignment will start once we Repent and pray. 

Don’t ever lose hope, always look up towards your future.

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4/7/20: Sacrifice your old ways and actually grow with God.. 

Every moment is a new inspirational opportunity and every person is purposed by God. Pay close attention to Him and motivate each other the way God wants you to. 


3/31/20: Every day is a new chance, we gain strength through His trials and Timing. Don’t dwell on the past, be grateful for the person God is building you up to be.  


3/24/20: With this humbling time presents an opportunity to pray and actively Listen to God, His pure clarity brings you peace if you let Him, He’ll always lead you up, only if you’re willing. .


3/17/20: Now is the time to reflect on your entire life, have you been living a life with God? Have you been walking in the direction He tells you? Have you shown true compassion for others? 

People show who they Really are,  their true, core selves in this trialing time.. What kind of person are you? 

sun diego

3/10/20: Realize the temporary time you have on this planet, appreciate how beautifully precious every soul is.  


3/3/20: The hard times can be brutal but cherish it, live the life that God planned for you. Treat ALL others with a kind heart because everyone’s  going through something. Pray all day.* God’s the only One who truly can make anything and everything better.


2/25/20: Choose love first. Pray to God to remove doubt in every area of your life. If your not choosing to love, what are you choosing? 


2/18/20: Pray for endurance for others, Blessings are coming.  Let the light shine through to let others be guided by you. 

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2/11/2020: The tougher the tribulation the better with God, remember it’s only temporary. The more graceful you handle a tough challenge, the more powerful you become. 🙂

LBC Boats

2/4/20: Don’t ever let your emotions stunt your wholeheartedness, God wants us to be happy. Everything we say, or do, should be coming from a loving place. Otherwise don’t. .  

  Enjoy life, living by faith and being friendly to one another, and you’ll get joy and peace back.. 😀


1/28/20: During the changes, we should always show compassion for one another. While we are here, living in His beautiful timing, support and love one another, everyday is a new test. 


1/21/20: Changes are near.  If our physical self is just a shell, would you rather be a vessel for the Most High or a puppet for the enemy?

Your life is only temporary, we are growing in either direction. Which way are you going? 


I choose to walk with Him, He is Love, Walk with love.. 

1/14/20: In times when your physical emotions are overwhelming get into pure prayers then a joyful spirit comes within the peaceful mind, then a calm and healthy body will align. 😉


1/07/20: He Chose you even when you didn’t choose yourself, He forgave you, even when you couldn’t forgive yourself. He blessed you with a fresh new year to take action on your destiny, spread the Word, and be grateful. 

Pink Flower Power

12/31/19: Check your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Body. Are they in the right direction? There’s only two areas you can go. God guides you up, but it’s on you to decide, with Him your never alone. 

Hunington Beach

12/24/2019: Don’t let human error or judgement get in the way of your growth with God, Let Him move through you. They’re going to be doubters, but you prove them wrong everyday by standing strong in faith. Letting blessings show through you.

san clemente

12/17/19:Being honest, and in prayers strengthens your relationship with God. He grows you into a bold individual with trials, guides you, when He feels your ready you get blessed. 

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12/10/2019: Love always consumes hate. So when somebody’s being a “hater,” expose it, the person is being blinded. Try to be kind to them, they obviously need some loves. 🙂


12/3/2019:God gives us exactly what we need for what He wants us to do. Meaning He gave us the capability to change the world. We can evolve through Him. 


11/26/2019: Be grateful for your gifts and use them wisely whether big or small. If you use your gift as a weapon, it will come back to you. God gifted you to be apart of His destiny and to help others. 


           The Pen represents a main part of my creative gifts, straight from my soul into His Plan. What’s yours?  Are you using it for Gods Purpose or to better the people?

11/19/19: Each day is an opportunity to do better than the last. God wants us to live our lives that we were meant to have, everyday, the best that we can. 🙂

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11/12/19: Treat everybody with respect, you never know what they are going through. One smile could mean everything to them. God put us all here in His plan, in His timing. 🙂

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11/5/2019: God is love, no constrictions involved, purely limitless. 



10/29/2019:Every failure, every win, every moment in life is a worthy lesson to share and apart of our testimony which others can learn from. God gives us today to be better prepared for tomorrow. 🙂



10/22/19: With Gods mercy we have unity. Don’t let others harm your development or negatively distract you, they are a temporary issue…

Our borrowed time here is tightly limited, spend it happily.

10/15/19: Sometimes a moment away with God alone, away from the daily routine, is exactly what we need to regain focus. 

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10/8/19:Please don’t minimize, judge, or hurt other peoples’ spiritual journey,  everybody has there own definitive purpose through God in His perfect timing. Pray for His people and love one another for who they really are.

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10/1/19: Stagnancy is a state of mind. 

God makes all things possible so Pray, visualize your destiny everyday and inspire others to prosper. 


9/24/2019: Enjoy your life while learning from the bad,  appreciating the good, and for loving all of its entirety.


9/17/2019: Reflect on your own unique light, let Him improve you, and Appreciate the life He has given you. * 

SM ocean

9/10/2019: Each day, living in alignment with God, is planned in His beautiful, pure intentions. 🙂

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9/3/2019:Everything and everyone has a meaning in your life story, value each other like how God does and appreciate your time on this planet.


8/27/2019: Whenever you have a challenging day, remember your passing a trial.

We each have our own walk with Him. Rather than condemning and being a dark cloud on others, Light each others lives up! HB2 - Edited

08/20/2019: Save and help those that actually want to be helped, and pray for those who don’t. Only God knows what your true intentions are. His powerful, pure, love lights through every situation. 


8/13/19: God’s asking us to let go of all the issues from the past.  Forgive and love each other as He loves us. No more bitterness because nothing good comes from it. Real Love is beautifully healing. 🙂Image-1 (26) - Edited

8/06/19: God wants us to be original, not conformed to a selfish mass control, but uniting in Godliness with the Real people, help each other make a difference and enhance one another’s life.. You can be the enormous difference in society.. 

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    Taken in DTLA, a beautiful city, read into the picture more you can see the living extremities. These are Local, nice citizens living conditions, we have to help the fellow people..! 

7/30/19: As long as the sun always sets it will rise. Build faith and trust in Him in all you do, knowing God’s leading you. Don’t be too proud to grow in love. 🙂 

Sunset Love

7/23/19: God blesses those who are Honest to themselves while following His destiny. Stop caring about the judgement of others, only God. Reassess where your heart is and follow Him. 


7/16/19:Stay faithful always. Gods changing us to the powerful people we are prospering into through Him. 

Lake Elsinore

7/9/19: Each day given is a blessing, use your time wisely with love, and accept Gods Plan for you. 


7/2/19: Letting God move for you is genuinely substantial. He’s the light, love, and the true Hope. 


6/25/19:With sacrifice comes strength and great blessings, as rough as it is, be grateful for everyday that your alive. 

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6/18/19: Even in the hardest, most harsh times, love each other anyway. This is a quality that can be positively contagious and spiritually rejuvenating. Take the time to show some loves.  God put us ALL here, in this time, for a reason. 🙂 

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06/11/19:Today’s a new day, let’s start it off with prayers. Patience comes from balancing everything within. 

Your a better representation of yourself  and of God, when your collected in every way, truest joys comes from the inside out. We can put a price on temporary happiness but can’t put a price on pure happiness. 🙂


06/04/19: Building toward your higher self requires faith, hard work, and passion. The “highlights” of your alignment doesn’t scratch the surface of the knowledge gained in the complexity of the roughest patch.

It’s helpful to pull back when we are too distracted by harsh or shallow noise. We just need to be clear on reassessing our destined vision. We can’t always do it alone, Let God guide you there. **


5/28/19: Everyone was designed with beautifully unique features, growing talents, and free will to appreciate what God’s given us.

We all struggle with our own issues, whether we deal with them or not, our biggest battles are inward.  When dealing with rough issues, Instead of asking your friends or family for advice, immediately ask Jesus. He will never confuse, or Stir anybody wrong, He’s the Righteous one. *TrailOcean

05/21/19: It wouldn’t be a higher alignment with out some challenges, we are all being tested on our reactions. Keep praying to be focused and to keep growing in every aspect during your own individual process. 🙂 

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5/14/19: Leave it to God. Wholeheartedly put All of your love into Him, be the example to others of how true love should be. 

simple city

                                      “I’m just a simply, complex, lady with big dreams.”

5/7/19: Appreciate everybody and everything, don’t take it for granted, even if for a short moment. Enjoy their essence, being grateful will radiate positive energy and in turn make other’s happy. 🙂 


4/30/19: Don’t just give up on goals when faced with difficulties, Pray for the strength to face each challenge peacefully, and visualize the abundance of the achievement. 



4/23/19: Praising God is shining His light directly into the Universe.

Can we learn to appreciate our differences instead of dividing over it?

We need Gratitude, God, Peace and Unity in order to survive and heal the planet. 🙂 

                        ocean pedals

Ocean Pedals

Pray for Sri Lanka and the families affected. . ** 

4/16/19: Just like a tree, we can rebuild, and grow stronger only after being broken. With faithful Hope, Honest Prayers, and God’s guidance, we’ll spiritually align with our higher selves while being able to evolve through the ‘doubtful’ difficulties.  Expansion in both spirituality and physicality is Needed in order for Earthlings to survive the planets slow deterioration.The harsh truth is: God’s will for every soul should be clear by now, if not, then pray until it is.  We only have a couple of years to save the planet before it’s too late to rebuild, and we can’t turn back.. So please do what you can for our planet, the future, and be wise about your choices, because I love ‘Our Home’ don’t you? 

Alamo Let’s fix it!! 🙂 

4/9/2019:  People are sometimes distracted, pressured, and misread but we are All destined here. Choose to make the most of the time we have, and learn from each being on the Planet. 

The fulfillment from joyous energy, enlightens others and can be spread through love, prayers, and laughter. Don’t drown out with complete sadness, or negative gossip. Problem Solve or Share words that are uplifting. Be the person that makes someone’s day with a smile. 🙂

The light of God grows humbly, yet strong and everlasting within those that spread the Word with Love! *

blue butterfly


Through all of the pain,  strength blossoms from within, melodically spreading  sprouts of happiness. Harmoniously,  with loving people and beautiful prayers, within time sprinkles unforgettable moments to always remember. 


3/26/2019: Recheck:

Whats your goal(s) of the year? Realign then take action it’s Aries season. 🙂 Are your goals aligned with your greater purpose? Speak  out honestly, and take action! ** 


3/18/19: Help our planet by guiding each soul that we can.  Don’t let people be distracted by the negative energy. Always show an enlightened, positive way up.***********

3/12/19: Your Karma is showing in everyday Lessons especially during retrograde phases. No, we don’t always get what we want. Universal Hints in bettering who you are, only come after intuitive meditation. Your reactions and having compassion towards others’ are what creates a harmonious karmic balance.
Pray for everything you are and everything you want to become. Align through the Divine. *

                          Reactions can be Pretty vs. Petty, which do you choose?

3/5/2019: Get involved with the community now’s the time to be encourage others to build from the ground up.  There’s many people and animals that could always use a helping hand. 🙂

2/26/19: Treat others with an open mind Always. Minimizing people or projecting your own insecurities onto them is a “treatable issue”.

It’s Mercury Retrograde (Astrological Energy Frequencies ) so be patient with others because we are universally being taught rough lessons.

 Remember everyone has harsh days and everyone grows. Don’t be bias, you may be missing out on Really incredible people..

There so much inspirational beauty deep within the thriving spirit. 🙂

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Silhouette of a few of us Mac Devas. 🙂

2/19/19: Be real. How do you feel? There’s a shift in universal energy as we slowly transition to Spring. As the leaves grow on the trees, vibrant flowers blossom, our soul begins to thrive, we are slowly learning about who we are becoming.

Is who your growing into aligning with the person your born to be?

Express your creativity with your deepest emotions.


2/12/19: Smile more trust you made somebody’s day and lost calories. The world needs more compassion so please try to help when you can. Be a better example for the future.

I always mention helping people or animals because there’s so many that need it, and some people don’t see the light of love in helping others.

Truly helping somebody is pure, and not asking or expecting anything in return is Godly. 😉


2/5/19: When times are hard and people are being insensitive,  always remember it’s only temporary. Some people are close minded and if they don’t want to change to better themselves, we can’t control them! We CAN choose to help the people, and align with our higher selves while releasing the lower frequencies.

Don’t worry about the negative energies because they aren’t worrying about you. Their just there to distract, test, and let you fail. Leave them alone, they don’t deserve your beautiful energy.

Keep your life within higher frequencies by accomplishing your goals, praying or meditating, saving the Mother (and her creatures), being honest, growing, having the capability to love, and having the courage to let go. 

Send out the wonderful loving vibes, Divine will always respond to your true heart’s prayers. 🙂


1/30/2019: Reaching your destiny always comes with different challenging obstacles, in all aspects of your life. Accepting the challenges, and learning from your mistakes, makes for an uplifting journey. 

Usually, the harder the journey, the more complex the story. The layers of complexity, whatever they maybe to you: the pain, people surrounded, or emotional battles, are your own personal depths. Surviving through all of the rough layers, makes us even stronger, wiser, and better than yesterday.

Whenever I am faced with a challenge, I say aloud or to myself. “I can, I will, I am.”  Express your beautiful layers to the world. *

etiwanda stream

1/22/19: Although we may be confused, pressured, and misinterpreted through our outside personas, our souls know who we are supposed to be and what our pure purpose is.  Are you taking those steps towards your higher self? 

In the midst of the evening, before the sunsets, the breeze brings a quiet calming feeling of reassurance that we will all be in harmony one day..  We  should be grateful to God for  those simple moments… 

Meditate, pray, or clear your mind and thrive within yourself daily. Your soul will flourish from the shallows into beyond the depth of the mind for your purposeful alignment. 


Taken in evening at the Etiwanda trails.

1/15/19: People keep getting lost in the drama from stagnant issues, Slap yourself! 🙂 We need to enjoy each other’s little time on this planet and get our annual goals accomplished.

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Sunset in Hermosa Beach.

1/8/19:The beginning of this year’s challenges always starts with you, so before we get too emotional and angry at other’s please remember:

EVERYONE has their own personal issues they need to work through. React with an open mind and big heart. Ask yourself this: 

What do you want to fulfill this year or in this life? 

Do you like the person your becoming..?   

Filter your thoughts into positive ambitious accomplishments then turn into Reality. 

stimson beach

Taken in the breezy bay at the city.

1/1/19: Please, No more superficial personas, selfishness, doubts, or Harsh judgments…   New Year, Same You, Just Improved.

We can be better People all around, while positively motivating other’s to keep their goals and spirits up. 🙂

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            No obstacles can get in the way of your True Ambitions. 

12/25/18: Whether or not you believe in Him: He is a pure soul whom is perfect, kind, forgiving, and He loves so deeply it includes His own enemies. God is Love and He symbolizes everything that is. 🙂

(He represents what we are, how we should be, He taught with his whole heart. )

Respect each other with human conscientiousness, learning what we don’t know will only make us more powerful: Alignment with the universe, Acceptance in who we are becoming, and Trusting to thrive in the spiritual journey is the only way to reach our Higher selves.

He taught us how to live in peace, love, and to grow with the Divine.

Fully open your mind, your heart, your soul to the Divine, and life will show you in different ways the beauty that’s blessed around us.

Through open mindfulness and knowledge we can save our planet like how He saved us. Always remember! 🙂


Taken in Alhambra, CA

12/18/18: As stress grows,  (especially during the holidays)  life gets more challenging, our daily routine gets more impacted, people become more vulnerable to emotional situations…

Never forget how beautiful life is, within all of the uncontrollable madness are timely pockets of memorable moments to hold, pure freedom comes from unexpected happiness. 🙂 

Taken in busy LA, on a memorable day… 🙂

12/11/18: While some of us are Aligning into our higher selves, others judge, slander, and cause negative involvement with other peoples’ lives, that harshness pushes you into your lower self. You can’t control people, it’s discouraging to growth, which turns your spiritual energy diabolic..

Who are you becoming? Purposeful or Petty?

Are you growing, giving, and positively uplifting? In order for our planet to become higher frequency we have to change, we are more connected to her than we know.

Change starts with us.. 🙂

before rain


12/04/18: With the bright season approaching, in the of spirit of the holidays, we should give, donate, or share what we can. We can live in a better society, an improved world, encourage each other, it’s never too late to change.

Our Savior/s taught us to love, forgive, and share.  Giving may be contagious, I pray that this joyfulness spreads for All. 🙂


11/27/18: Be thankful for all of these beautiful moments and to the people the Divine has placed in your life. (Yes, even the haters because their saltiness, is ‘probably’ from a bad situation. Everyone has there own lesson to Learn.)

We all have a purpose, other’s just need help to visualize it. Earth and the creatures living here can evolve if WE progressively help our planet and each other. 


11/20/18: Retrograde season is here and it’s time to look inside and question your own personal issues and to adapt to a solution.. Take it as a Universal Hint from the Divine’s cosmos to learn from.  Try not to get offended too easily, go with the energetic flow, and just remember it’s a temporary phase it’ll pass, we all go through it.. 🙂


11/13/18: Complete honesty with communication, patience and  strength to understand the quiet misinterpretations.

**Your Flaws are what make you genuinely beautiful, so let yourself Be! 🙂 ***


11/ 6/18: Never Mindlessly Conform! Once you have uncomfortably conformed you get lost in the program and become just another, shallow, jaded soul. What kind of a Real impact do you want to leave?

We are each here to serve our own unique Divine Purpose. So, Stand out, be yourself,  take care of each other and our planet! 🙂


10/30/18: Through strength from the Divine, we can get through it all.  Our light shines brighter with love and prayer but dims with judgement and hate. Open your mind to what possibilities present itself,  and accept opportunities that are there for you.


10/23/18: Don’t give up faith just because shallow minds don’t want to see your perspective. We should be strong because we know that there’s more than the physical presence. We are all aligned through Universal Balance, Spiritual Conscientiousness, Energy/ Science, the one and only Divine, so belittling each other is actually hurting yourself. Be KIND to one another just like our Saviors taught us. 🙂


10/16/18: Let’s all be patient with each other, we all have our own goals, own struggles, and our own journeys to face.

As we go deeper in October we have more tests to face, lower frequent energies are testing our will.

We can tackle through these harsh times alone or we can share our adventures with other’s. Encourage each other to thrive, in each journey comes a beautiful story…. 

Discovery Park2


10/9/18: Miscommunication has been a growing issue that can be avoided. Express your message with pure confidence. We are All a symbol of the Divine. We should take a deep breathe and represent our selves clearly and Really listen to one another, you may be able to learn something new. Pure Alignment starts when your ready to go above the material surface.

Taken by Me,  in the Pacific Sea. 😉

10/2/18: Please protect your heart from the draining evils in the world. As retrograde season approaches us, the more negative influence is brought to us. We are stronger than that. We can be the positive light shining through the muck of negativity.


                                                                        Photo taken in the Beautiful City of Seattle.

9/25/18: Being honest, kind, open minded beings should be a civil right, we shouldn’t have to struggle to live. We Get the energy and the Respect that we Give to the universe  and towards the people.


09/18/18: We are always being tested, physically, emotionally, cognitively, and in our relationships but WE are STRONG. What matters is:  We GROW through it ALL. 

For surviving, thriving, and living another day, we deserve some time to self love and reward each other for being our truest, whole selves. 😉



9/11/18: There are more people every year but there’s no reason to be selfish, there’s a lot to do and a lot to learn. We don’t need to distracted and divided. Let go, we should appreciate the beauty in life through everyone’s eyes.

sunset in Sd

 Cheers to a California Sunset!

9/4/18: Animals are here as Beautiful, Universal Empathized beings which is our forefront to nature. We are supposed to show compassion, be inspired, protect and love them like family.

What have you done to help your family? What actions are you doing to help the ones that love you unconditionally?


Snowball & Sesame, 2 years old.  They were rescued  from starving and given to us by our kind friends, Vicky & Andy Thanks! We love our daughters.There are many animals that need a loving home, check it out on : 

Adopt. Volunteer. Donate.

08/28/18: Problems are better solved together than apart.   Everyone has their own issues, but you know in your heart who’s genuinely a good person. The people or animals that are presently in your life are there for a reason: whether to love or learn from. 😉


8/21/18: We can’t control everything in our lives, but we can guide it the right way with our personal decisions. Do your choices reflect progress or despair? Are you helping the future of our planet?

Sunset SD

08/14/18: How would you ever know what your capable of until you face your fears? Conquering your inner fears will strengthen you to become your higher self.

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8/07/18: Life is unpredictable, so be strong enough to smile through it all. 🙂

hermosa beach

07/31/18: Stop judging everybody. Leo season is time for self growth, improvement, and movement. Let people be themselves, it’s hard enough making tough choices. Even if you don’t agree with them, just listen. Options are there, it’s up to you to take them.


7/24/18: We are imperfect, we all have struggles, but we are human and we all can thrive from the past. Like I wrote before,  Lessons Learned are never wasted. 


Taken at We Rise in DTLA!

07/17/18: Even when our world is falling apart, we have to keep our hopes up. 🙂


07/10/18: Enlarge your mind, spirit, heart, and body into the most evolved human possible. Our Divine gives us strength and makes anything possible.

We will be tested this month from others, remind them who they are and that they can be their most evolved higher selves.


07/03/18: It’s time to grow physically and expand knowledge within. Do you remember your life goals? Did you ever want more?


06/26/18: Lets start change by developing a little bit at a time by helping our local communities progress. Even a small role in community service can inspire others to excel. Try giving time to your own Community first, getting actively involved starts with you and it motivates others.


06/19/18: Although we may be distracted by life’s twists and turns, we are each gifted with a true purpose. Do you know your Calling?


Pray for Colorado, Nevada, and for better days.

06/12/18:  Bring your family or friends outdoors. As a consumerism driven market takes over the geographic space of our shared planet, encourage outdoor activity. Mother Nature is calling us with all of it’s beauty and grace, find what rests in the trees.


06/05/18: Unite through peaceful events and complimentary illustrations. My Real People try to smile or flatter somebody today because you may have given them hope or happiness. 😉


05/29/18:Our origins are all uniquely beautiful and we should admire our cultural roots and share it because in the end we are all one.

Lady Bug

05/22/18 : Acknowledge the beauty from origins within, even the most miniature creatures are in this life cycle with us. Live your most insightful life by  appreciating and helping our planet.

SAVE the planet!!

palm trees

“Although we are physically stuck in a haze, spiritually we know it’s just a phase..” 😉



“Creative endeavors are a way of expressing the beauty of the soul. “

Hibiscus flowers are native to Hawaii,  we are grateful to the beautiful islands. Please Pray for Hawaii.


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Ocean Beach, San Diego, CA is illustrated poetry.


I’m grateful and growing  from your support. Any comments, criticisms,  or challenges will be appreciated! Simply contact me. Thanks for giving me a chance to share my weekly messages with you. 


san diego

Writing on all pages is created and published by yours truly. 🙂